
Hi everyone,  Today I´m going to talk about a celebration. I remember my 18t birthday, I was very excited about this day and I wanted that day was the most special of all. I was so exciting that I prepared with all my friends the way to celebrate it. We decide to do it out of Santiago, and we chose to went to Santo Domingo.  In Santo Domingo we stay at Josefina´s house, one of my biggest friends from school. We went there a couple of days before because we wanted to had a time to relax and do other things. We were 8 friends in the house, it was very funny. On my birthay day we had a really good time. I got up very early because I was very exciting, before I got dress and my friends sang to me happy birthay and we get ready to went to the beach, there we played some volleyball beach, take a walk for the beach and in the evening we visit my grandmother that lives in Santa Maria, very near to Santo Domingo. I loved all the things that we do on that day and specially in th
Hi everyone, Today I am going to tell you about my favourite hobby, dancing. I have been dancing since I was 8 years old, it all started when my mother took me to my first class of ballet, I absolutely loved the way everything made me feel, it made me comfortable with my body and helped me with my confidence. After a fews years I wanted to start trying different areas of dance, I went through modern dance, hip-hop, newstyle and reggaeton. At the age of 15 I found a place that offered me all of these styles together, that was I started training at Power Peralta dance studio. Power Peralta was founded by the brothers Peralta, two famous chilean dancers who made it into cirque du soleil in the United states, they thought of creating a place to let people from Chile experience dancing and discovering themselves in a safe way, with teacher who also started as students and could be close with their students into showing them a new world. This day, the academy has 4 campus in Santiag
Hi everyone,   today I´m want to tell you about what are my plans for this September 18. To start you have to know that I enjoy very much this date. Every year I tried to get out of Santiago and went to celebrate in other place of Chile, but this year is gonna be different. Previous years I had the opportunity to went to the beach leasing a house between many friends, every year we are like 7 and we had a really good time. We went to places like, Maitencillo, Pichilemu and other, it was really fun for us. This year it´s gonna be a little bit different because I´m gonna celebrate here, in Santiago. I think that isn´t a bad a idea, I like Santiago because you had many activities to do, go to the fonda in many places like parks, dance our tradicional dance, make a great and nice comida in family, all this things make me have a really good time so it´s gonna be nice. For my lucky some friends are gonna be here, so it´s goint to be fun to do and share some of this activities to
Hi everyone,  today I´m gonna talk to you about what would be my ideal job in the future. When I start to think of this I know that I´m very sure about what I want to do, I would like to work in a company of interior design. It would be a very good job for the many things that I would do, have the posibility to work with other areas like arquitecture to make new places that can have a impact to people that are gonna live there. Some of the great thinks of this job would be the experiencie that I could create every day on every posible project. One of the things that I value from this kind of job is to would work on group, taking in consideration others opinions to make more interesting and best projects or interventions. I think that to could be effective on this job, it would be neccesary to have a lot of imagination and motivation to can have many creative ideas whithout limits that could stop you to create new concepts for many places since the most little space to the
Hi again!  Today I´m gonna talk to you about a greatest Chilean of all times and for me one of those people is Gabriela Mistral for all her amazing and notable work, making a real impact because of the content of her poems. Gabriela Mistral was one of the most notable poets of Chilean and latinoamerican literature. It is considered one of the main references of universal female poetry and for his work she won in 1954 the first Nobel Prize for literature for a Latin American author. She has a very important roll because besides her writes she was a teacher and I´t was very important to her, making changes and having so much love for kids. This express the important dedication that she had for what she was doing. I think that is really amazing the capacity that she had to can put into words her real emotions and you can undersantd her purpose and the things that she wanted to communicate.  Themes of death,  love, motherhood and  desolation and loss fill the pages of Gabriela
Hi everyone, today I´m gonna talk to you about what was on my bucket list.I´m gonna discribe to you some of the items that I wrote. One of the things that I would like to do its to go to Greece. Why? Because since I saw Mamma Mia! movie I got in love of the place. I think that its a place so beatiful and interest in so many aspects, since the constructions of the houses to the most beatiful natural spaces. There I would like to go to the beach, take some tours and know new people, understanding there culture and lifestyle, it will be amazing for me. Also, I would like to do this trip with a friend, shearing the experience and have very nice experience. Another think that I would like to do, its to go to safari on Africa. It would be a amazing experience to look things that I never had the opportunity to see. Its not the same experiencie going to a zoo, it could be more beatiful to see animals in there natural space like lions, giraffe, zebra and others. Also, it could be